Another Line On My CV
Another Line On My CV is a post-internet artwork that critiques the relentless drive for achievement and self-promotion in the digital age. Displayed as an endlessly scrolling webpage at, it repeats the phrase “Another Line On My CV,” reflecting the absurdity of building identity around professional milestones. This format invites viewers to confront how the pressure to constantly add to one’s CV—amplified by digital platforms—transforms personal success into a performance, blurring the boundaries between self-worth and external validation.
An essential part of this work lies in its creation process: although I could have coded it myself, I used artificial intelligence to write the code. This choice is integral to the piece’s exploration of emerging technology, highlighting the tension between opportunity and dependency on artificial intelligence. As we increasingly rely on AI’s processing speed and vast knowledge, humans are relegated to an intellectual minority, defined by our slower cognition and manual skills. This act of co-creation with AI reflects a fundamental shift in creative agency, offering a lens through which to examine how technology both empowers and redefines the role of human intellect in the modern era.